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Northstar Academy

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Christian school for grades 4-12

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AP® Art History

Fine Arts Cover
  • Name:

    AP® Art History (ARTH500)

  • Department:

    Fine Arts

  • Credits:

    1.0 (yearlong course)

  • Suggested Prerequisites:

    Art History HS (HIST220) or equivalent

AP® Art History


Within AP® Art History, students will explore the interconnections between art, culture, and historical context using critical analysis through the critical lenses of artistic expression, cultural awareness, and purpose. Using a defined art historical skill set and reflective learning, students will analyze relationships across cultures with a global lens. The examination of how people have responded to and communicated their experiences through art will enable students to think conceptually about art ranging from prehistoric to contemporary. Students will be active participants, engaging with art and its context as they read, research, and collaborate tolearn about art, artists, art making, and responses to and interpretations of art. This course is based on the Course and Exam Description or CED from the College Board. The AP® Art History course emulates the college experience and includes mature content.

Special Notes:

If you are planning to take the AP® exam associated with this course, then be aware that the College Board requires that all students register in October of each school year to take the exam which is held in early May. You must make your decision early. There are penalties associated with late registration and with registering and then deciding not to take the exam at a later date. Please plan accordingly. For more information or if you have more questions, please visit Once on the site, search Home-Schooled Students to find information on locating testing locations near you.

As an online school, NorthStar Academy is not a testing center. We are a certified AP® course provider. Students must locate a face to face school in their local area that will allow them to sit the exam with their students.


Art history is a unique and fascinating area of study because it touches on so many other aspects of life. Art offers glimpses of history, culture, and technology, and displays various aesthetic ideals and trends throughout time. One goal of art history is simply to learn about famous works of art and notable periods and styles. Another goal is to develop the skills needed to analyze artwork and discover the unique purpose and meaning of each piece. By the end of this course you may feel like a detective looking for clues in art! My hope is that you gain a greater appreciation for historical art and artists while engaging history in a fun way.

If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.