AP® US History

AP® US History (HIST520)
Social Studies
1.0 (yearlong course)
An 85% in the subject area course from the previous year. A foundation in US History is suggested.
AP® US History
AP® United States History is a college-level course covering the period of history from early exploration of North America to the present day. This course covers a chronological history of the United States using a variety of sources including primary sources, maps, articles, and a basic text used for background information. The course will cover the major currents of political, social, intellectual, economic, and diplomatic history, as well as familiarize the student with the geographical development and expansion of the United States. A major goal is to develop analytical and interpretive skills through the lens of the Biblical worldview. Particular emphasis is placed on training students to excel in the skills of critical reading and writing, as well as critical interpretation of arguments. Students will investigate people, places, worldviews and events that have most influenced U.S. history. This course is taught at the college level and is also designed to prepare students to successfully complete the AP® US History Exam. Students will work with the instructor to review their progress in preparing for this exam.
Special Notes:
If you are planning to take the AP® exam associated with this course, then be aware that beginning in Fall 2019 the College Board requires that all students register in October of each school year to take the exam which is held in early May. You must make your decision early. There are penalties associated with late registration and with registering and then deciding not to take the exam at a later date. Please plan accordingly. For more information or if you have more questions, please visit https://apcentral.collegeboard.org . Once on the site, search Home-Schooled Students to find information on locating testing locations near you.
As an online school, NorthStar Academy is not a testing center. We are a certified AP course provider. Students must locate a face to face school in their local area that will allow them to sit the exam with their students.
This version of the course is not Dual Credit eligible. To receive Dual Credit, you must register for the DC version of this course, if available.
Less than two and a half centuries old, the United States of America has been a country of heroes and villains, wise decisions and shameful decisions. Without glorifying or condemning its history, let’s explore this story of claims, contradictions and compromise, of drive, independence and innovation with the eye of an historian. From the beginning of its European “founding,” there has been a cycle of immigrants battling the immigrants before them for the same hopes and dreams. The study of this “new” world is a story of people: their gifts, their courage, their weaknesses and their devastating failures. It is a fascinating look at continuities and changes of ideas and goals, and one worth investigating. Let’s put ourselves in their time, culture and society and step away from our 21st century mindset to examine their world and accept their humanity in all its frailty and beauty. Come join me on this journey through time and learn about the amazing history of the United States. I look forward to joining you as well as guiding you on this great adventure.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
“The recorded PowerPoints that went through certain chapters and elements of the APUSH exam were extremely helpful and beneficial.”
“I enjoyed the presentations and the different projects, I felt like they were helpful in learning how to analyze.”
“I liked the content of the class a lot, and the less regular assignments were educational.”