
Astronomy (SCIE210)
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Science 8 equivalent or above
This one semester astronomy course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the universe and the celestial bodies within it. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical observations, and hands-on activities, students will explore the mysteries of the cosmos and develop a solid foundation in basic astronomical principles. Throughout the course, students will engage in interactive labs, night sky observations, and collaborative activities to reinforce important concepts. This course encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and a lifelong appreciation for the wonders of the universe.
From a biblical worldview perspective, students will be challenged to respond critically to questions; such as — Should Christians study astronomy? What are the benefits and limitations of science? What design qualities do you see in the formation of the Universe?
Special Notes:
A stable Internet connection is needed for this class.
Do you have a curiosity about the universe, the planets, stars, and constellations? Why do stars twinkle? Is it possible to fall into a black hole? What causes the Sun to shine? Since creation, humans have been fascinated with the stars, planets, and the universe that surrounds us.
This course will introduce students to the study of astronomy, including its history, and development, basic scientific laws of motion and gravity, the concepts of modern astronomy, and methods used by astronomers to learn more about the universe. Students will engage in interactive labs, night sky observations, and collaboration to reinforce important concepts.
Upon completion of this class, students will have a greater appreciation for the amazing universe God has designed, and it will strengthen their faith in the Creator.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
The organization was well thought out. Very predictable but perfect for an online course.
“I think this course was pretty interesting. I learn so many things with this course that I didn’t know before. I think choosing this course was excellent because it made me open my mind to our universe, and how everything works.”