Bible 7

Bible 7 (BB7)
2 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Bible 7
Every Christian should desire to become like Christ. This study gives students the tools to begin their journey toward spiritual maturity. They will gain an understanding of introductory Christian doctrine, including salvation, the study of the Bible, and the power of prayer. Students will learn how to live out their love for God and share Him with others.
Special Notes/Instructions:
It is recommended that semester A of Bible 7 be taken prior to semester B. If only one semester of this course will be taken, semester A is the recommendation.
Everyone celebrates the joy of a newborn baby, but if that baby doesn’t grow and develop it is very sad. Likewise, as a Christian it is very important that we grow and mature in Christ. In Bible 7, Dynamic Christian Living, you will learn about the tools necessary to begin your journey toward spiritual maturity. You will gain an understanding of introductory Christian doctrine, including salvation, the study of the Bible, and the power of prayer. You will also learn how to live out your love for God and share Him with others. So, I hope you will join me as we begin this journey of following Christ.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
This course is well organized and I had a ton of fun learning about all the great things God has done for us.
It is a great course, and it really helped me grow in a lot of ways!
I really enjoyed being able to learn Bible verses and have something to follow so as to learn more about the Bible. I also really like being able to come to my teacher with all my questions (believe me there were quite a few) and have clear distinct answers.