Bible 8

Bible 8 (BB8)
2 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Bible 7 (BB7)
Bible 8
This class will help the student to establish a solid and personal biblical worldview foundation by revealing the nature, character, and attributes of God as evidenced by His Word. Through the Bible 8 course, teens will develop a better grasp of who God is and how He interacts with society. This course is based on the premise that the more we know and understand God through a careful study of His Word, the more we will want to grow and maintain a right relationship with Him.
Special Notes:
This is a two semester course. If only one semester can be taken it is recommended to take semester A.
Have you ever wondered who God is? The Bible is God’s Revelation of Himself. In this course, Bible 8, we will look in God’s Word to see God’s attributes and qualities. The Bible is the written record of God telling us who He is and the important things we need to know about Him as His creation. If there is an all-powerful being who created everything and we don’t know anything about Him, we are in big trouble. Thankfully, however, God has gracefully revealed to us in Scripture everything we need to know in order to live rightly in His Kingdom.
What is God like? Who does He allow into His presence? What is the Trinity exactly? Does God care about the tough stuff going on in my life? To investigate these and many other questions, join us in Bible 8 as we dive deep into God’s Word to discover who He is and what He expects of the world.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
This is an excellent course which you should take. Through BB8, I’ve felt myself draw closer to the Lord and I also learned lots of new things through it.
I learned so much in this class, from God’s attributes, to the Trinity, to incorporating God in our daily lives. If anyone wants to learn about the Bible, I would highly recommend this Bible 8 course.
The course was organized and had excellent content that I was able to learn from.