Christianity and Fantasy Literature

Christianity and Fantasy Literature (BIBL440)
Bible and Worldview
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Foundations for the Christian Worldview (BIBL300)
Christianity and Fantasy Literature
This course reviews distinct literary and cinematic influences from the realm of the fantasy genre using the Christian worldview. Students will have the opportunity to learn various elements of a Biblical approach that will equip them to analyze literature, different media examples, as well as other texts. Special attention will be given to C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series. Students will also create an example of their own fantasy work by the end of the course, demonstrating their journey of learning the Biblical worldview approach and the significance of its influence.
The Christianity and Fantasy Literature course is not the usual Language Arts course. Are there elements of reading literature? Yes! Will we have opportunities to reflect on symbolic aspects of our reading through writing? Definitely! So, what makes this course unique? In this class, we will take the best of both worlds – the world of Language Arts and the world of Biblical Studies – and weave them together to study God’s Truth at greater depths, using various fantasy works. We will begin by studying the foundational characteristics of fantasy literature. Through our studies, we will learn how to recognize God’s voice and His Truth through themes of good triumphing over evil, the development of Godly attributes in characters, or even the interactions between character community groups. We will delve into the world of Narnia that C.S. Lewis so masterfully created, as well as look at the colorful characters of Tolkien. What intentions did these authors have with how they pieced their plots, their characters, and their levels of symbolism together? With different tools of discernment, we will begin to recognize the Biblical worldview intentionality of these beloved authors, and then apply what we learn to other works of fantasy literature. By the end of the course, we will use these tools to create our own examples of fantasy works, demonstrating our knowledge and discernment of God’s Truth within this genre. The equipping of a Biblical worldview lens will be a skill that students can carry on beyond the world of academia, and into a life of pursuing God and the things of Him.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
I absolutely loved this course and the organization was very easy for me to follow!
We read C.S Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien and they were both amazing to read and analyze!
All my peers were kind and respectful. This encouraged me to give my opinion in the discussions.