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Northstar Academy

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Christian school for grades 4-12

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Comparative World Government

  • Name:

    Comparative World Government (GOVT410)

  • Department:

    Social Studies

  • Credits:

    0.5 (semester course)

  • Suggested Prerequisites:

    A 200 level history course.

Comparative World Government


This course is designed to teach students the field of comparative politics. Students will focus on Biblical principles of government, political philosophy, institutions of both democratic and nondemocratic regimes, how various types of governments function, and political economic systems. Throughout the course, students will develop research, written and oral communication, Biblical literacy, and comparative analysis skills.

Special Notes:

This course meets the NorthStar graduation requirement for Social Studies – Government


Are you interested in learning more about how government and politics work at a global level? If so, Comparative World Government is the class for you! In Comparative World Government, we will look at a multitude of political philosophies, perspectives, and systems. Rather than focusing on one specific country’s government, we will analyze how governments work in general and delve into how the governments of various nations function. There will be plenty of opportunities to express your own thoughts and opinions on politics and current events, as well as hear and learn from your classmates. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity not only to learn about how governments around the world work, but how we, as individuals and groups, can play a role in influencing our world for the better.

If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.

Student Feedback

The assignments were interesting and clear. I had no problems with understanding the course and what I needed to do when.


I really enjoyed the articles we had to read and the videos we had to watch.


It is a very well organized course
