Concepts of Engineering and Technology

Concepts of Engineering & Technology (CLCR330v)
College Preparation & Career
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Concepts of Engineering and Technology
In this course, students learn how the momentum of science is continually propelling engineers in new directions towards a future full of insight and opportunity. This course explores the different branches of engineering and how problem-solving, sketching, collaborating, and experimentating can change the very fiber of human lives. This ever-increasing knowledge can also lead to serious ethical dilemmas and the need to discuss where the boundaries of science lie (or even if there should be boundaries). Students examine astounding engineering feats and complex ongoing issues.
Engineering is a branch of science that designs and builds products that can be used to solve a problem in real-world situations. Today, this career seems to be the career that everyone is talking about. However, once a person sets his or her mind on becoming an engineer, one is presented with a vast variety of engineering majors to choose from. This can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this class, we will be looking into what it takes to be an engineer as well as what the most popular engineering majors look like.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot. It has helped me learn a lot about the different fields of engineering and what I could or would like to do. It has helped me to narrow down the fields that I am interested in and which collages would be best for going into those careers. Thank you for class!