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If I am being honest, learning how to study the Bible didn’t come easy for me. I found it hard to understand and I wasn’t sure if I was really grasping the context of what I was reading. I eventually got a Study Bible, but even that was daunting. Finally, I just started Googling, “how to study the Bible,” and after watching several vlogs and sermons, I just prayed. I asked God to help me figure out how to prioritize His word and study it effectively. I wanted to know Him on a deeper level, and I knew myself well enough to know that I was going to have to make it fun in order to stick with it. So, I did. Here are my tips for studying the Bible!

Get comfortable.

One of the things that helped me with consistency was having a designated place to study my Bible. This place was my couch. I had a blanket, candle, and all of my study materials on the side table next to me. I found myself looking forward to being in my spot each day and this was huge in helping me to form a routine. My places have changed since then, but the routine has stayed the same.

Pray first.

Life is pretty distracting. With so much going on around me, I found that the best thing I could do was to silence it all. Before I open my Bible, I ask God to keep away any distractions and for help in focusing on what I am reading and learning.

Read the whole passage.

When I first started studying the Bible, I caught myself stopping and trying to analyze every verse before I read the whole passage or chapter. I found that I can understand each verse better if I read the whole passage and then go back to each verse individually. Sometimes, depending on the passage, I will read the whole thing twice- at least until I have a good idea of what is going on.


Taking notes is huge for me when studying the Bible. If I jot thoughts down as I am working my way through scripture, it helps to frame the bigger picture. Some choose to write directly in their Bibles. Others have a little notebook. It is totally up to you where you write your notes, but I have found that they are very helpful.

Use a Bible Study.

I want to be very clear- going through a Bible study is not the same as reading your Bible. They can be very helpful, but they are also not the inspired words of God. That being said, I love walking through Bible studies and learning new things about what I am reading in a certain chapter. One useful tool that I have found is The Bible Handbook. It contains dates, timelines, a breakdown of the chapters, etc. I love getting a snapshot of those basic facts before digging in. 

Have fun with it.

God’s word is far from boring, and you are too! Make your Bible come alive by highlighting, underlining, making notes, even drawing pictures– anything to help you remember what you are reading. Again, you can do these things directly in your Bible or in a notebook.

Close in Prayer.

Thank God for the time that you were able to spend in His word. Ask Him to help you remember what you’ve just read and learned. Comprehension is so valuable for remembering God’s character when we are in the middle of day-to-day life and need His wisdom.

Talk about it.

The beauty of God’s word is that you can read a chapter once and then learn something completely new when you read it again at a later date. The same can be said for each person who dives in. It’s important to share what you have learned with those around you! Even after you’ve read through the whole Bible, there is always so much more to take away! If you are intimidated about studying the Bible, reach out to me. I would love to share more of my experiences and help you get started!