English 4 Honors: British Literature

English 4 Honors: British Literature (ENGL450)
Language Arts
1.0 (yearlong course)
English 3: American Literature (ENGL300) or Equivalent
A grade of an 85% or higher in the subject area course taken the previous year.
English 4 Honors: British Literature
Honors British Literature will explore the most enduring works of the western literary canon while offering writing projects that prepare students for English at the university level. Students write focused research papers on the philosophical development of each literary period, as well as persuasive and creative pieces on topics of their own choosing. There is an emphasis on the needs of seniors, with one-on-one coaching provided for writing college application essays, and an emphasis placed on interviews and speeches that can culminate the high school experience. The course aims to meaningfully articulate and synthesize high school memories while preparing students to begin their educational journeys anew.
Greetings, brave knight of literature! Thou hast come to the correct place! Here we shall study the songs of ancient Anglo-Saxon warriors, the tales of Camelot, the plays of Shakespeare, and the poems and paintings of the impossibly prim Victorians.
You’ll travel through time to minister to the people of each era of British literature. You’ll journal your life’s true journey as we read The Pilgrim’s Progress. You’ll read letters from beyond the mortal realm when we study The Screwtape Letters of C.S. Lewis.
What do you get when a theatre teacher who lived in England designs a Brit Lit class? It’s the most fun—nay, the most fascinating—nay, the best English class ever! A class for the ages, dear knight! Am I biased? Perhaps—but there’s only one way thou shalt find out!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
I just wanted to say thank you for pointing out and teaching about the different literary devices in Macbeth. As I go through the scenes (and am forced to make my own devices) I’ve really started to enjoy making my own allusions, metaphors, apostrophes, alliterations, etc. Thank you so much for driving them in! You’ve also really made me enjoy reading Shakespeare and I am downloading other plays of his and trying to reads them. Thank you so much!
“In all seriousness, I’m a Ph.D. in medieval history and I absolutely love your course. I wish I was enrolled in it. I love the way in which you integrate culture with the literature. When I was in 12th grade lit many years ago, we did absolutely nothing with English history and culture, and we were poorer for it.”
“I would 100% recommend this as the most helpful tool in my application. It shows the exact steps to take to craft a perfect essay, professional emails, and teaches the process specific for NorthStar students to apply to college with ease.”