Global Perspectives: Early Modern Western

Global Perspectives: Early Modern Western (GP3)
2 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Global Perspectives: Early Modern Western
Recommended for 6th & 7th graders.
Students will expand their worldview by exploring the history, geography, and culture-defining moments of countries in the Western Hemisphere. Students will explore topics of importance during the early modern time period (1500s-1800s) and how technological advancements of the time continue to affect the world today in both positive and negative ways. Reading and comprehension, creativity, and critical thinking skills are integrated into this global perspectives course.
Have you ever wondered what life would be like without the current conveniences we live with today? You can turn on your computer and instantly interact with classmates from all over the world, but what led to this technological advancement? Each unit contains opportunities for you to show your learning in fun and creative ways such as design a new invention that will solve a world problem. Join me on a journey through early modern history of the Western Hemisphere. and the culture-defining moments, and how the fast pace of change has led to positive and negative outcomes in our global society.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.