Marine Biology

Marine Biology (SCIE230)
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Marine Biology
The oceans are vast, filled with beauty, mystery and millions of strange and amazingly adapted creatures. In Marine Biology students will dive into this fascinating world. Marine Biology will focus on the organisms that live within and around our great oceans. God delegated authority to mankind to have dominion over the animals. In the course, students will learn how to be responsible stewards and help preserve His amazing creatures for future generations. Emphasis will be on examining how the various types of organisms are specifically created with adaptations that allow them to thrive in marine ecosystems. Students will work through this course by creating their own student notebook which they will build on within each week.
Have you ever wondered why a clownfish lives in a poisonous sea anemone, how a starfish can regrow a leg, or are you just fascinated by the grace of a playful dolphin? Well then, I have the class for you!
Marine Biology is going to be a fun and fascinating journey through the seven seas. Life on Earth started in the ocean, when on Day 5 of creation, God said, “Let the water teem with an abundance of living creatures”. By studying marine biology, we are diving into some of God’s very first creations.
Please join me on this adventure and I hope to “sea” you in class!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
I really liked this class! It was the easiest of my courses partly because it was set up well. It was very clear and I knew what to expect, and I also learned a lot!
What a wonderful course – one of our daughter’s favorites! The course was so well organized while being extremely engaging and educational.
My child really liked this class and learned a lot about Marine Biology. We appreciate the biblical worldview in this science course. She liked her teacher and how the material was presented. She especially liked the “Student Notebook” in the class.