Middle School United States History

Middle School United States History (MSUSH1)
Middle School
2 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Global Perspectives: Early Modern Western (GP3) or Global Perspectives: Early Modern Eastern (GP4) or other Middle School Social Studies equivalent
Middle School United States History
This course is designed to facilitate student growth in examining and drawing conclusions from primary and secondary sources regarding US History. Students will biblically consider many topics such as cross-cultural interactions and people’s relationship with government that have shaped the history of the United States. Primary sources are emphasized, but secondary sources are also utilized, including written and video resources. Students will create projects to demonstrate evidence-supported conclusions.
In this course, we will explore significant events and themes in the history of the United States. We will learn to be genuine historians and do the hard work of wrestling with tough questions as we seek to understand the clues the past has left for us. Each unit focuses on a particular question that still has relevance today and culminates in a project in which we show what we’ve learned. Now’s your chance to learn about Native Americans, the American Revolution, the Constitution (perhaps one of the most important documents of the last 1,000 years!), and so much more!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.