Northstar Cooperative Program
NorthStar Cooperative Program is for schools and homeschool co-ops trying to offer their students a comprehensive program of core subjects.
The organization uses NorthStar’s ready-made courses with its own local teachers. Textbooks may still be required, but all answer keys, testing, and daily work are included. Schools pay a per-student fee. Courses are in NSA’s learning management system (LMS); students will submit work within the LMS. Teachers can quickly grade within the LMS. Teachers have editing rights to individualize their course.
What schools might benefit from NCP?
Schools using a blended learning program: Blended learning uses digital learning along with some traditional classroom methods to offer student choice in time, place, path, or pace. Blended learning gives the student the opportunity for mastery and individualization. It can also help the small school struggling to stay open to find non-traditional but effective learning methods to operate at a lesser cost.
Schools with limited hiring funds: Students in small schools can be at a disadvantage because upper level math courses, for example, cannot be offered. The school has one math teacher for high school who can prepare and teach only a limited number of classes per day. NCP courses allow that teacher to teach three or four math courses in the same hour. Students work independently on their math work while the classroom teacher pulls aside classes or students who need extra tutoring. This can be done for all core subjects with NCP.
Non-accredited schools: Non-accredited schools can combine NCP courses, the school’s own courses, and NorthStar VRP courses to earn an accredited diploma, accepted by colleges and universities around the world.
What homeschool co-ops might benefit from NCP?
Co-ops that meet weekly: Students can work on the same assignments throughout the week and come together for tutoring, teaching, and testing.
Co-ops that have talented core-subject teachers among their parents or friends: One parent can teach all of the students their English courses, working from their homes, while another parent teaches the math courses to the students throughout their co-op.
Co-ops considering becoming a non-traditional school: Some co-ops are changing to a non-traditional school/homeschool, meeting together more often. For example, students could ‘go to school’ three days a week and work from home two days a week, for example.
Co-ops wanting graduates to have an accredited diploma: Working with a NorthStar guidance counselor, co-ops can use NCP courses, NSA’s VRP courses, and individual families’ homeschool courses to graduate with an accredited diploma. Restrictions do apply, and close coordination with the counselor is required.
What services are included in NCP?
Curriculum and technical support
Complete curriculum for the course (textbooks or resources may be required)
Answer keys
Access to NorthStar’s learning management system for students and teachers
*NCP courses are not accredited courses.
For further questions, please contact [email protected].