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Northstar Academy

A fully accredited private online
Christian school for grades 4-12

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NorthStar Academy’s Curriculum Philosophy Statement

As an institution with over 25 years of experience, NorthStar has developed from our origins as a correspondence school to become a global leader in online education. Our intuitive online Learning Management System delivers our customized curriculum to thousands of NorthStar students every day.

over 25 years experience

Our in-house team of content area teachers, educational technology professionals, and design experts have fully developed 80% of NorthStar’s courses.

In order to equip our students in specialized content areas, we hand-select the remaining 20% of courses from vendors that meet specific interests. These courses are then customized by the same NorthStar specialists who develop our core courses.

In addition, NorthStar has offerings that are approved by a partner university in which students receive dual credit for both high school and university coursework.

In order to maintain our standard of academic excellence, the curriculum team and course developers regularly review all courses through a rigorous and evaluative process. Courses are reviewed and revised to meet current education standards of learning and to reflect a biblical worldview, both of which form the foundation of our quality instruction.

80% of NSA courses are developed in-house

Biblical worldview thinking is a hallmark of our curriculum.

Biblical worldview thinking is a hallmark of our curriculum. Students are intentionally given opportunities to think critically about contradictory worldviews and compare and contrast them with that of the Bible. This critical thinking is applied across academic disciplines when students are presented with theories and ideas that may not align with a biblical worldview.

As students seek to answer worldview questions regarding a subject — What is truth? How do we know? What is real? What is valued? What is right and wrong? — they gain a biblical perspective on that subject.

In all that we do, we strive to construct curriculum and learning experiences that meet the mission of our parent organization: Reaching the world for Christ through international Christian education.


Within the context of biblical principles, NorthStar Academy continually develops college-preparatory programs, innovative strategies, and effective methodologies to purposefully shape a graduate who

  • Is university and life ready, demonstrating competencies for successful living, communication, and academic excellence at the next level.
  • Is of Christ-like character, exhibiting academic and personal integrity through responsible stewardship, honesty, perseverance, and respect, even when no one is watching.
  • Is globally minded, equipped to impact society while appreciating cultural diversity.
  • Is a Christ follower, actively seeking God in and out of the classroom.
  • Is a servant leader, a discerning role model who is courageous and compassionate, serving others.
  • Is biblically literate, educated to understand and defend the biblical worldview in light of opposing worldviews.
  • Is a lifelong learner, valuing and pursuing knowledge.

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