SAT Math Preparation

SAT Math Preparation (SAT230)
College Preparation & Career
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
completed or enrolled in Algebra 2
SAT Math Preparation
Course is full for 24-25
SAT Math is designed to prepare the student to do well on the College Board digital SAT exam. The course will familiarize the student with the format of the math sections of the SAT and will teach the student testing techniques and strategies. The course will also include a comprehensive review of basic mathematics, algebra, geometry, statistics, and other math concepts needed for success on the SAT. This class is taught by NSA faculty but also extensively uses an outside online source so students can customize their practice and review, according to their individual strengths and weaknesses. Students will take several full-length SAT exams for practice throughout the course. SAT230 counts as an elective course.
Special Notes:
Students must have access to a TI-83 or TI-84 or other SAT approved graphing calculator. SAT230 counts as an elective course.
Are you ready can excited about college? Are you nervous about the SAT because you’ve never taken it? Have you taken the SAT but need to raise your scores a bit more to qualify for a school or scholarship?
This course is for you! SAT Math Prep will walk you through the structure of the SAT and teach you helpful test-taking strategies, and you will build your knowledge through practice of concepts covered in the math section of the SAT. You will use individualized mastery practice on Khan Academy, feedback and videos from your teacher to strengthen weak areas and celebrate growth. You can be confident that when you take the SAT, you will be prepared to do your best!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
I got really good websites and tips from other students, so that [discussions] was helpful
I am extraordinarily satisfied with the coursework.
It was an awesome experience. I learned new things that have been useful not only for my SAT practice but also for my daily activities.