Spanish 2

Spanish 2 (SPAN201)
1.0 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Spanish 1 (SPAN101) or Spanish Middle School 1 & 2 (SP1 & SP2)
Spanish 2
Get ready to embark on the next part of your journey to Spanish fluency. In the Spanish 2 course, you will continue building your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as increasing your cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries through audio recordings, engaging images, interactive games, readings, and videos. Apply what you learn through written practices and listening and speaking exercises. Take your Spanish language skills to the next level!
Special Notes:
Additional $35 Talk Abroad fee added upon registration.
Did you know that Spanish is the most spoken non- English language in the United States? Spanish is ranked as the world’s number two language. There are over 20 countries around the world in which Spanish is the official language. Our High School Spanish course is designed with you in mind. You will be acquiring speaking, reading, writing and listening skills that will help you be an effective communicator in this language. By Spanish II you now have the basic vocabulary and grammar to communicate in Spanish. This year, you are going to build on what you already know and become even more comfortable using the language. In the Spanish 2 course, you will continue building your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as increasing your cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries through audio recordings, engaging images, interactive games, readings, and videos. Apply what you learn through written practices and listening and speaking exercises. Imagine the impact that you can have for God’s kingdom by polishing your Spanish skills and being able to use them to tell others about Jesus!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
I enjoyed the activities in class when we would match the words to pictures or audio recordings. I also felt that our group discussions were very involving and interactive.
I liked the vocabulary lessons, and how I was able to easily understand them. I also liked the videos about Chile and Peru, showing different Spanish culture.
I really liked how there were game days and that was what you got graded on! I think it’s a really fun way to both stay on topic but have a little bit of fun! I like the teacher! I know that’s not inherently related to the material itself but having a wonderful teacher who genuinely makes you want to learn the subject is very important, and I think you do that very well!