Spanish 3 Honors

Spanish 3 Honors (SPAN350v)
1.0 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Spanish 2 (SPAN200v)
Spanish 3 Honors
Dive into the rich diversity of Hispanic culture across the globe by exploring the tastes, sights, and sounds of this dynamic language that reflects triumph, struggle, celebration, and so much more. During this cultural journey, students will improve conversational, vocabulary, and writing skills through authentic tasks. Short of obtaining a passport, there is no better way to discover new lands, peoples, or experiences. Take your Spanish language abilities to the next level!
Honors level language courses are denoted as Honors due to the expected foundation and proficiency that a student brings from a regularly obtained 2 years of base language courses.
Spanish 3 is recognized as an honors course due to the rigor of the curriculum at this level of study. This accelerated course is for students who can demonstrate intermediate or higher proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as well as critical thinking. Speaking and listening proficiencies are refined and further developed.
This Spanish 3 course is conducted using a combination of both English and Spanish.
Special Notes:
Additional $50 Talk Abroad fee added upon registration.
You probably already know the impact that speaking Spanish has on the world around you and the doors that it can open to you because you know the language and can communicate effectively in it. Spanish Level III, is where you really see everything come together. Dive into the rich diversity of Hispanic culture across the globe by exploring the tastes, sights, and sounds of this dynamic language that reflects triumph, struggle, celebration, and so much more. During this cultural journey, you’ll improve conversational, vocabulary, and writing skills through authentic tasks. Short of obtaining a passport, there is no better way to discover new lands, peoples, or experiences. Take your Spanish language abilities to the next level! You can communicate your ideas well and understand other’s ideas well in Spanish, but now you will be delving into deeper topics and really be able to reflect your personailty in another language. Now you have the skills to have an impact for God’s kingdom by being able to use your Spanish to share Jesus with others. That is so exciting! Come and join us!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
Being able to practice my Spanish with other people and watching television in Spanish helped me grow my vocabulary and improve my pronunication.
I really liked how the class was set up.
They [group discussions] were very engaging.
I enjoy how the activities directly prepare you for the quizzes and tests that you’ll take later on within the year. I also enjoyed how we were able to explore different cultures and people groups and pray for them to grow, prosper, and come to Christ.
I always love learning vocabulary and expanding my knowledge of the culture of different countries. I also found the prompt and detailed feedback on all the assignments very helpful! – Olivia I really enjoyed doing the short story assignment. I waited until the end of the semester, so I was able to use lots of the topics that we learned about. I also really enjoyed the devotions. I liked to see what was going on in other parts of the Spanish speaking world.
One of my favorite things in this class was the cultural videos because I learned new things watching them. I also liked the vocabulary activities provided as they were very helpful.