Survey of World Leadership

Survey of World Leadership (SWL1)
Social Studies
2 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Survey of World Leadership
The Survey of World Leadership course will examine the lives of ten different leaders, both men and women, from five different continents. Students will evaluate individual leadership skills, in order to determine which skills are healthy and which should be avoided. In studying these ten leaders’ lives, students will also reflect on broader character traits, and work to determine what types of personal qualities God is calling each student to reflect. Students will also work to identify the types of leadership they would like to see in the world today and how they can work towards achieving that goal. Students will develop sound research, clear communication, and mindful reflection skills throughout this course.
Have you ever wanted to know more about the leaders who helped make our world into what it is today? Well, here’s your chance! In this course, we will be studying both men and women, of many different ages, from five different continents, and all different time periods in history! All along the way, we will reflect on leadership, what makes a good leader, and what qualities people need in order to lead. We will apply our learning to our own lives as well as to our thoughts on life and faith – the lives of these leaders will end up being much more relevant to your life than you might think!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
I loved this semester of the class so much! It is so much more fun to study history by looking at an individual leader, rather than a whole period of time.
I personally loved the projects, would not have minded if there were more. Other than that, I really enjoyed this course!
The teacher made it clear that everyone has an opinion and it isn’t wrong to have a different opinion from someone else. This is why I felt safe in the class.